Navigating the Labour Market Landscape

labour market

In the wild world of employment, understanding the labour market is like having a map to career success. This blog will explore our local Labour Market and why labour market information (LMI) is crucial for anyone looking for work.   What is Labour Market Information? (LMI) At it’s core, LMI provides insights into the jobs […]

Click, Connect, & Conquer Your Online Job Search

Master your online job search! Starting a job search online can be both exciting and overwhelming, with countless opportunities just a click away. Here’s a guide that will help you navigate the digital landscape with ease, and increase your chances of landing that dream job!   Exploring Popular Job Boards There are several platforms that […]

How to Get Fired

If you don’t enjoy your job and are ready for something new, the best way to go about it is providing 2 weeks’ notice of your resignation. Getting terminated by your employer is not only unfortunate because of job loss, but it also burns a bridge, causing you to lose a positive reference for future […]

Help Yourself! 5 Ways Volunteering Benefits YOU

Group hoorah

Three Cheers for Volunteers! Did you know that volunteering doesn’t just help the community? It helps you, too! Here are 5 ways you can benefit from donating your time: 1. COMBAT NEGATIVE EMOTIONS According to Volunteer Weekly, 96% of people say that volunteering enriches their sense of purpose in life. No matter what kinds of challenges you […]

Overcoming The New Job Nerves

Overcoming The New Job Nerves

Congratulations on your new job! A fresh start! A new beginning! …And a lot to learn. While starting a new job can be exciting, you may feel overwhelmed, and maybe even a little bit stressed. The best way to beat the nerves of starting a new role is to be prepared! These tips will help […]

Making The Most Of A Job Fair

Making The Most Of A Job Fair

Job Fairs are an excellent place to network with potential employers! And they have all kinds of other benefits, too.  It could be your first opportunity to meet employers face to face and leave a lasting impression. You can allow them to learn more about you outside of just what is listed on your resume! It also […]

Prove It! 5 Ways To Make Your Resume More Impressive

Prove It! 5 Ways To Make Your Resume More Impressive

You’ve worked hard to develop the skills and qualifications through the experience that you include on you resume, but do your potential employers know just how impressive you are? Check out this list for some great tips on how you can represent yourself through real, tangible proof on your application that will be sure to […]

So You Got The Interview! Now What?

So You Got The Interview! Now What?

Congratulations on your upcoming interview! You submitted your resume and they liked it.  Now it’s time to elaborate on the skills and experiences that caught their attention. Before attending the interview, it’s important to prepare yourself, and have everything ready that you’ll need to make yourself stand out as the best candidate and land yourself a new […]

Interview Dos And Don’ts You Haven’t Considered Yet

Interview Dos And Don’ts You Haven’t Considered Yet

Some interview tips are obvious – be pleasant, dress professionally, demonstrate your skills.  But, if everyone already knows these common tips, what kinds of things will make you really stand out from other candidates? This list of dos and don’ts will help you be as memorable as possible. DO: Research the company and role Review the […]